WHAT IS MCET? WHO IS MCET? WHY MCET? WHAT SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH MCET? WHAT ARE POTENTIAL EVALUATION AREAS MCET CAN ASSIST WITH? HOW DOES MCET WORK WITH LOCAL COMMUNITY SYSTEMS AND ORGANIZATIONS WHO PROVIDES MCET SERVICES? WHAT IS ULTIMATELY GAINED BY USING MCET? MCET is a state-wide non-profit organization that provides technical and substantive services to support the formal and meaningful involvement of consumers in the evaluation and continuous quality improvement of the management and delivery of supports and services for individuals with disabilities-- consumers. “Involvement” of consumers includes compensation for their efforts. MCET is consumers in compensated roles who are trained and supported in performing formal evaluation and quality improvement efforts. Consumer expertise is expanding beyond the carrying out efforts such as consumer satisfaction surveys and focus groups to areas such as teaching, supporting consulting and providing technical assistance in an effort to expand consumer participation in evaluation and quality improvement efforts across the state. MCET offers communities and public and private organizations an effective and efficient opportunity to build local capacity and competency for consumer delivered evaluation efforts. MCET can provide a variety of services tailored to meet the desires and needs of formal consumer evaluation efforts. MCET Services include learning opportunities, support, consultation and technical assistance to local community systems and organizations that desire to develop a formal system of consumer evaluation. Services may also include the analysis of current instruments and methods being employed and/or research, development and delivery of instruments and methods. Services can also include data entry, retrieval, analysis, reporting and/or presentation. Also, as negotiated, MCET can manage any or all of the consumer evaluation efforts. Including consumers in compensated, valued and meaningful roles is a critical public policy priority. However, consumers involvement in evaluation efforts as well as increased focus on gaining the insights of the consumer “voice” is simply good practice. In business, profits are realized as a result of firms seeking to “hear” and respond to the voice of consumers—the customers are essential to business being informed. Improvement opportunities derived from well planned, appropriate and systematic evaluation efforts will result in real intended outcomes and improved performance that will ultimately translate into a positive Return on Investment (ROI). The evaluation areas that typically come to mind are Consumer Satisfaction and “Mystery Shopper”. However, evaluation area opportunities are much more extensive. Specific areas, such as structured reviews of Person-Centered Plans and the analysis of Customer Services policies and procedures as well as the types of evaluation efforts, such as effectiveness and efficiency offer a number of ways consumers can contribute to evaluation efforts. Given MCET’s mission to contribute to the development of local consumer capacity and competency in their involvement in evaluation and quality improvement efforts, consumers need to be “at the table”. MCET also desires to facilitate an informed partnership among consumers, managers and providers. MCET will assist local community systems and organizations in developing methods for organizing consumer and non-consumer stakeholders in evaluation efforts in a manner that reflects the uniqueness of each community. Consumers who have learned MCET service related skills and who are supported by technical and substantive experts and resources. www.customWEBmaker.com